Kovács Balázs / Xrc

[ english / magyar ]





2012-video works for mobile contemplation (kbalazs)

Ez a videó egy mobiltelefonon bemutatott sorozat része. audio-vizualitással kapcsolatos véleményeimet fejezi ki, vagyis elhanyagolja a kép - hang közvetlen viszonyát, inkább azok egymást kiegészítő szerepét "keresi" (már amennyire egy videó tud keresni...).

// Part of a series presented on mobile phone. Although these small-format videos are connected to our mobile culture, they're not to be part of our high-speed life, rather than they invite You for a small contemplation: if one is mobile, then everywhere can perform it...

This works try to present my opinions on connections audio and video. In the case of the file above, there are no direct connections between these modalities, i tried to looking for complementary role of them.

video works for mobile contemplation - the 35880004th video on vimeo from Kovacs Balazs on Vimeo.